“We must return occasionally to the wellspring and remind ourselves of the ideas and principles which informed our founding fathers” said the late John Bolitho, Jowan an Cleth, former Grand Bard of Cornwall, addressing fellow bards of Gorsedh Kernow in 2002.
Almost 25 years previously another Grand Bard, the late Hugh Miners, Den Toll, had prefaced his newly published booklet Gorsedh Kernow – the first 50 years as being “an attempt to outline events” rather than a definitive history which “still had to be written”.
2015 marks the fifteenth (15th) anniversary of the Gorsedh Kernow publishing programme that has grown from these founding principles, and has brought a dozen or so further titles to the attention of people in Cornwall and beyond, as valuable research material and sources of interesting local information.
“There is certainly no shortage of candidates whose lives and work for Cornwall and Cornish culture and identity deserve to be more widely known and celebrated,” said Cornish Bard Terry Knight, Tresulwythen, who took over the chairmanship of Gorsedh Kernow’s Archives and Publications Committee after many years of dedicated and meticulous work by former Grand Bard Ann Trevenen Jenkin, Bryallen.
“Under the excellent editorship of people like Derek R Williams, Map Jethan, we will continue to promote the work of celebrated Cornish people who follow in the footsteps of cultural icons like Henry Jenner and Robert Morton Nance,” he added.
Delia Brotherton, Myrghwyn Melynor, Gorsedh Kernow Communications Officer 30 January, 2015
For further details of Gorsedh Kernow’s publishing programme contact:
Ann Trevenen Jenkin, e-mail: pellgowser@btinternet.com
To order Gorsedh Kernow publications from post-2000, visit www.gorsedhkernow.org.uk
or contact Jerry Rogers, Treasurer, e-mail: jerryrogers@sgrconsultancy.co.uk
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