Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek held its AGM in January. Chair Loveday Jenkin reported on the past year, including events, publications, joint initiatives and the appointment of the new Kowethas Community Development Officer. She said the Kowethas hoped to continue building on its membership and would like to hear members’ thoughts on how they would like to see the membership package develop.
In a presentation on his work thus far, the new Kowethas CDO, Peter Burton, said “Part of my role is to make Cornish more visible in everyday life and I am pleased that organisations like the Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum, Age UK Cornwall and Penwith Community Development Trust have been positive about promoting the use of Cornish to their members and user groups. I hope that we will see more organisations joining them in the future”.
Sodhogyon nowyth etholys – New elected Officers
Kaderyores/Chair – Loveday Jenkin;
Skrifennyas/Secretary – Tim Hambly;
Alhwedhores/Treasurer – Koreen Twydell;
Sodhek Eseleth/Membership Secretary – Tony Hak;
Sodhoges Dylansow/Publications Secretary – Maureen Pierce
Kuntelles Kemmyn Bledhynnyek Kowethas an Yeth a veu synsys
yn mis Genver.
Kernewogoryon a bub nivel a vydh pes da dhe wodhvos bos ‘Pennseythen’ vledhynnyek an Gowethas synsys 12ves, 13ves ha 14ves mis Ebrel dhe Westi Sandy Lodge, Tewynblustri. An vledhen ma, rag an kynsa termyn, y fydh Dydh Didhan rag teyluyow dy’ Gwener, gans kanow, hwedhlow,
gwriansow art, fylmow ha gwariow rag an flehes keffrys ha’n Jydh Stoffya rag an re usi owth ombareusi rag apposyansow. Formow ragerhi a dal bos daskorrys kyns diwedh mis Hwevrer ha kavadow yns dhyworth gwiasva an Gowethas www.cornishlanguage.org
org po dhyworth Peter Burton dre dhanvon ebost dhe
Kowethas an Yeth Language Weekend
Cornish speakers of all abilities will be pleased to know that the annual Kowethas “Pennseythun” will be held on the 12th, 13th and 14th April at the Sandy Lodge Hotel, Newquay. This year, for the first time, there will be a Family Fun Day on the Friday, with songs stories, art activities, films and games for the children as well as the Dydh Stoffya for those preparing for exams. Booking forms should be returned by the end of February and are available from the Kowethas
website www.cornish-language.org or
from Peter Burton by emailing
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