An Open Letter:
“It is with some alarm that I see Cornwall Council has outsourced enquiries in respect of those in receipt of a sole occupier’s Council Tax Rebate to a private company in the shape of ‘Capita’ PLC.
In passing over personal details held by the Council to a private firm whose head office is in London SW1.
Cornwall Council have released confidential information to a company which is floated on the stock market and which returns to shareholders and not the tax payers of Cornwall.
Under any other circumstance, this would be considered a breach of the Data Protection Act.
Furthermore, individual tax payers in Cornwall have no contract, implied or otherwise with ‘Capita’ PLC.
This private company is even asking tax payers to consent to credit checks and this is quite unacceptable.
‘Capita’s’ Director is one of the U.K’s highest paid individuals on £14,500 + A WEEK (!) who swans around in a top of the range Aston Martin whilst the staff are paid a minimum wage.
Councils employing ‘Capita’ PLC have been able to reduce their own work forces and this, quite frankly, is the last thing we need in Cornwall where we have plenty of people well able to conduct these enquiries and where Council jobs are important.
Shame on the persons at Cornwall Council for privatising this work!
Yours faithfully
One and All”
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