A response to an article in today’s ‘The Cornishman’ regarding fencing and grazing in the areas around Chun Quoit.
See “Fencing proposals met with defiance from campaigners” at http://www.thisiscornwall.co.uk/Fencing-proposals-met-defiance-campaigners/story-16303220-detail/story.html
Save Penwith Moors Statement:
While we are not campaigning for a non-grazing regime we do insist that all statutory consents are obtained – even if retrospectively − with the caveat that this fragile Scheduled Ancient Monument should be carefully and regularly monitored to ensure no cattle damage occurs.
We will vigorously oppose any installation of stock proofing – permanent or temporary − on the present unobstructed open access areas of Higher Downs/Chun Downs/Castle Downs but would support HLS agreements for the various landowners/tenants concerned for these areas that prescribed non-grazing organic management with manual/mechanical maintenance for a 10 year period.
While Save Penwith Moors does not campaign against all new fencing and grazing, and while each individual stock proofed site – coastal and inland − might not seem to have a major impact on the landscape and people’s enjoyment of it, we do consider that it is the cumulative effect of new stock proofing on areas of hitherto unenclosed heathland that is ruining the perception of wide open uncluttered wilderness in an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, much of which also lies within a World Heritage Site [St Just Mining District], and depriving the public – who ultimately pay for these agri-environmental schemes – of unrestricted and safe entry onto open access land for recreation and enjoyment.
If our modest and fair-minded objectives are ignored by those with the power and authority to implement them then there will, ultimately, be virtually no open access land that is not fenced and grazed”.
Ian Cooke
Save Penwith Moors
7 June, 2012
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Post: Save Penwith Moors
Men-an-Tol Studio, Bosullow, Penzance
Cornwall TR20 8NR
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